Category Archives: Moving On

Why The Most Awesome Women End Up With The Biggest Jerks

Everyone’s known that awesome girl who’s funny, nice, smart and attractive … and who always seems to end up with that awful guy who’s rude, inattentive, irresponsible and never appreciates her.

Well, you’re about to find out.

Because no, women do not just flock to these jerky idiots for fun. There are actual reasons why the “bad guy always gets the girl.”

How a Ms. Amazing Can End Up With a Mr. First-Class Jerk

 1. She’s attracted to his smug attitude and neglect.

It doesn’t really make sense, but when a guy is always “busy,” doesn’t respond to your texts or calls, ogles other women, makes you pay and and doesn’t act like he cares about you in any way shape or form … it can be an odd turn that leaves you wanting more.

 2. All she cares about is good looks and a smokin’ bod.


A lot of women are naturally attracted to good looks and a hot body. Who wouldn’t be?

But what’s sad here is that a lot of women put these attributes first and above all elseWomen who are themselves very attractive and physically fit will only seek these features in their potential partners. They will put a six pack, strong jaw and flawless skin above being kind, decent, reliable and faithful. Naturally, this is to their detriment.

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7 Huge Mistakes Women Always Make In Relationships

In a relationship, perfect disaster comes when errors are made on both sides. It is never fully the mistake of the man and neither is it the complete mistake of the woman. Both the parties play an equal part. Here, we will concentrate more on the problems, or rather the mistakes, that women sometimes make in relationships which can lead to a disaster.

I would want to clear yet another thing in this case, it is very easy to say that only women make mistakes. This is never the case, because men also make mistakes. We always think that a small fight is nothing to worry about but in some situations, a small fight leads to a bigger disaster. A small problem can make both parties angry at a level that they do not want to compromise and when they would not want to compromise, they would keep on fuelling the fire.

So let’s start pointing out those mistakes that women make.

1. You Don’t Know Your Own Value

This might be one of the most common areas where I work with my female clients. Do you chase after the bad boys who treat you poorly and only want them more? Are you attracted to all the unavailable guys? Are you afraid to ask for what you want? Do you put up with nonsense expecting that “one day” it will magically change? If so, welcome to the club — you are far from alone. You, my dear, do not know your value. The truth is that there are only two fears in the human condition: one is that you’re “not enough,” and two is that you won’t be loved. Let’s be clear: this will keep you single until it changes. Ironically, the thing that will keep you stuck here for years or even decades is that no man can really respect a woman who will allow him to treat her so shabbily, so this truly is a self-inflicted wound. I’m sorry for being so blunt, but the truth will set you free — even if it makes you angry or defensive first. If that’s the case, don’t bother getting mad at me. I cared enough to level with you so you can actually have all the love you truly deserve.

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Research Reveal that 5 Ways Social Media Can Hurt Your Relationships Badly

Over 3 billion people use social media worldwide. 3 billion. As a result of this widespread use, the ways that we communicate – with friends, family, coworkers, strangers – have changed forever.

We’re not going to get into a discussion of whether social media is good or bad. Social media, as with pretty much every other technology in existence, is used for both.

Let’s look at Facebook. To give you an idea just how much Facebook has penetrated our social fabric, consider this statistic: approximately 90 percent of all 18-29 year old’s have a Facebook account. That’s an extraordinary number.

This age range also happens to be when the vast majority of us:

– start college
– graduate college
– look for a life partner
– begin our career
– change jobs
– get married

It’s no surprise, then, that social media can profoundly influence our relationships, both personally and professionally.

Again, we’re not here to debate the pros and cons of social media. That said, dimwits the world over have been sacked from jobs, served divorce papers and had their reputation destroyed – all because of some silly social media shenanigans.



Okay, quick question: have you ever misinterpreted the meaning or tone of a text or email? Probably. The reason: all of us have a difficult time understanding emotional nuances behind a text, email, or post. Technology requires people to communicate their intent completely differently than they would during a conversation, where they would use words, tone, and body language. At times, your brain’s filter will inaccurately signal an emotional undertone to a message where there is none. This can get us into trouble.

Hence, the advice here is two-fold. First, do not post to social media when you’re in an emotionally vulnerable state. Second, do not reply to someone else’s emotional post. Seek clarification if a response is required before posting anything.

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7 Signs That Show You’re Stuck In A Toxic Relationship

So, you’ve been in a relationship for quite a while now, but since some time it seems like nothing is going right. What do you do?

If your relationship is doomed to fail, what are the signs you should look for? How do you determine if your partner is still willing to work on this relationship or is this just gonna be an easy way out for him?

It is possible to understand a few things about the future prospects of the relationship just by noticing some signs. If you can see through most of these, it is time to end it.

Read on to know about them.

1. Hiding things.

Not just little white lies, but you have started telling each other major lies. Like you hide about the physical or emotional abuse you’re going through in your relationship or you don’t tell your parents about how your husband treats your kids. These lies tend to affect relationship a lot in the long run. Only a few relationships come safely out of such a situation.

2. He wants you to change.

What defines toxic relationship?via
Wanting to change for the better happens in every relationship. Partners encourage each other to work out or eat healthy, but that’s a different story. If he wants you to change your entire personality, he doesn’t love you the way you are. Eventually, you will get exhausted trying to please him and he still won’t be happy.

3. Uncontrolled jealousy.

If your partner is often jealous or suspicious of your actions, it isn’t going in the right direction. A little jealousy could be healthy, but making a scene due to jealousy if you work late once a week, is not good. If your partner constantly accuses you of cheating on him, it isn’t right either.

4. If he constantly puts you down in front of others.

Partners should be constant cheerleaders of each other. They should be a constant support system of one another but sometimes disagreements tend to happen. Criticism can be healthy in a relationship if two partners are sorting things out by themselves. Criticising each other in front of people or putting your partner down isn’t required.

5. You don’t feel equal in your relationship.

Both partners are equally important. It is alright to help your partner during bad times, but that doesn’t mean it makes the other one better or more important. If your partner constantly makes you feel that he is more important or what he does matters more than what you do, this relationship is already failing.